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Rejoignez Move pour offrir des services de VTC et de coursier en Tunisie dès aujourd'hui.

À propos de nous

Découvrez Move, l'application révolutionnaire pour chauffeurs VTC et coursiers en Tunisie, facilitant vos déplacements.

Services Chauffeurs Move

Découvrez notre application pour les chauffeurs VTC et coursiers en Tunisie, téléchargez Move dès maintenant.

A hand holding a postcard depicting a scene, with text in Arabic, is being placed into a yellow postal box. The box has Arabic lettering and the number 40000 on it, along with a sign indicating the last collection time. The surroundings suggest an outdoor setting.
A hand holding a postcard depicting a scene, with text in Arabic, is being placed into a yellow postal box. The box has Arabic lettering and the number 40000 on it, along with a sign indicating the last collection time. The surroundings suggest an outdoor setting.
A vintage-style delivery van is parked on a cobblestone street in front of a grand, historic building. The van features branding for 'Mercier Specialités du Berry,' indicating it offers artisan specialties from the Berry region. The building has large arched windows and classical architectural details, contributing to an old-world charm. Soft lighting suggests it's either early morning or late afternoon.
A vintage-style delivery van is parked on a cobblestone street in front of a grand, historic building. The van features branding for 'Mercier Specialités du Berry,' indicating it offers artisan specialties from the Berry region. The building has large arched windows and classical architectural details, contributing to an old-world charm. Soft lighting suggests it's either early morning or late afternoon.
Facilité de Réservation

Réservez facilement vos courses avec notre application intuitive, conçue pour les chauffeurs et clients.

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Bénéficiez d'un support client disponible 24/7 pour toutes vos questions et préoccupations.